Who was the first designer of fashion?

Am I crazy to confirm that I´m an artist?

-Paul Poiret

Some people are born with a vocation, and knows it. It was the case of Paul Poiret , who supported by his mother and his three sisters decided to be the tyrant of fashion and release the scene against which the fashion world was.
His father, very much against the commitment of the designer , sent to a friend of him for being  . All he could take advantage were silk fabrics .
paul poiret foto
For Paul , there wasn´t something that mattered more than the outward appearance. Therefore, he performed the silks that he got from his boss in extravagant confections in a small wooden mannequin .
He started working in one of the most important fashion houses : Worth, but failed to intervene as he would have liked .
Three years later , Poiret was metting with the choicest staff at parties.
Declaring war on the corset (holding that it was a ridiculous clothing) , he created some long skirts which started from the chest down to the ground . He baptized as <<La Vague>> that covered the body like a gentle wave .
In addition , he replaced corset by flexible bras and garters. Its bright colors , the clarity of his prints and the idea of coating the legs of women with flesh-colored silk , awakened the illusion fashion lovers.
He was also the first designer to make his own perfume. Even in 1911 , created the skort that was condemned by father Pío X.
He left his mark wherever he went, chasing the idea of the total work of art. That´s why Poiret is considered the first designer of the fashion world.