In recent years, thrift stores have gained great importance in the market. However, those products that seemingly are inaccessible to most, are more accessible because of luxury thrift stores. Chanel handbags, the Birkin handbag by Hermès, Versace or Dior designer luxury dresses, Gucci’s latest by Tom Ford or luxury vintage clothing are some of the most sought-after items searched for consumers.
Many are those who think that buying luxury products in these types of stores takes away the prestige of whoever buys it. However, we can say that is the opposite. If an item is in perfect condition and I can also get it cheaper, why would not I buy it? Let’s say that buying cheaper second-hand luxury goods is a symbol of intelligence and not of smear.
Only a couple of years ago that online commerce began to be booming and there are still many people who distrust this type of service. It is logical that these are parts that can be obtained much cheaper, but still remain expensive. The ideal thing to take confidence in this type of purchase is to start with luxury accessories, since its cost is lower and it is not so afraid to “lose” that money in the event that the purchase was a scam.
The first thing to look for when buying in a second-hand online store of luxury products is social networks like Pinterest or Instagram: the user profile is real if you have many followers and publications. The second of the things to keep in mind is in the form of payment: the safest for this type of commerce is PayPal. Why? Check it out in this article and answer all your doubts. The third but not least, we must look at user ratings either on their website or on other platforms where they are selling their products such as Ebay.
Now comes the second question: how do I know if the article I’m interested in is authentic? It is one of the biggest fears when buying online. In our case, Luxury and Vintage Madrid has a team of professionals who analyze the product and confirm that it is 100% authentic before taking the photos of the product to put it on sale. The process is thorough, which analyzes the material and composition of the product, logos, engraving, serial numbers, invoices … ultimately, analyze the smallest detail to ensure the quality standard for to be able to sell the product.
When buying on the Internet is also very important to look at the pictures of the product and its description: the more photos in which we can see the details, the better. In addition, in the case of a product description that has a defect, it is important to see what it is, and if we can provide a photograph with that defect, perhaps when we see it does not seem such a big problem for not buying it.
In addition, this new type of web pages not only benefit people who want to purchase a product: also, for those who want to sell it. Normally, there is a “consign” section in which you send your product to the company and they upload it to their website after having passed the authenticity check. The objective? That you sell your product faster. When it comes to trusting this type of service, you should be aware of the type of percentage or commission that the company takes, as it can sometimes be quite high. In our case, if you want to know more about our procedure of consignment, we attach the section of our web page with the specifications to consign.
From Luxury and Vintage Madrid, we offer you the seriousness, the quality and the loyalty so that you trust in us to the 100%. We sell quality and authenticity at the best price. Luxury items for both men and women, with all quality standards in order and a secure payment method. What more could you ask for?
Loewe’s Amazon bag, Hermès’ famous Birkin or Constance bags, or Chanel’s classic 2.55 are some of the items our customers are already enjoying because of their trust in us.
What are you waiting for?
Tag: gucci
Bimba Bosé dies at 41 years old
Yesterday January 23, Eleonora Salvatore González, better known as Bimba Bosé, died due to the cancer against whom she had been fighting for more than two years.
Daughter of Alessandro Salvatore and Lucía González Bosé, niece of the well-known singer Miguel Bosé, and mother of 12-year-old Dora and her daughter June, the result of her marriage to the director and musician Diego Postigo (whose relationship came to an end in 2013 ).
She was born on October 1, 1975 in Rome, and throughout her career, she was well known for being a singer, designer, DJ and model (coming to parade in London, New York, Paris and Milan). He has worked together with photographers recognized worldwide in the world of fashion such as Mario Testino and Steven Meisel. She has been an image of brands like Gucci and cover of magazines like Vogue and Harpeer’s Bazaar. In addition, was muse of the famous fashion spanish designer David Delfín (who also suffers of cancer).
In the year 2016, Bimba Bosé told the media that she suffered from bone, liver and brain metastases, regretting later because of the media’s repercussion.
Her last 48 hours were spent surrounded by her family and close friends, except Miguel Bosé, since the distance prevented him from coming in such a short time. As a tribute, the uncle of Bimba published this emotive sentence in their social networks:
“Good trip Bimba, my accomplice, my companion, my love, my beloved daughter. Guide me.”
In addition, her ex-husband Diego Postigo, has published in his private account of instagram a video in which Bimba Bosé is singing while he accompanies with the guitar.
A death that has undoubtedly caught us unawares and which, her eldest daughter Dora, has faced with full maturity by publishing the following words in his account of instagram:
“Thank you very much to all those who support me, and to know that today is not a day of sadness, because my mother is the one that least liked sadness. Today is a day to be happy for all those moments that we have lived and enjoyed it “
After the death of our beloved Bimba, the video in which Dora and she go singing together has become viral:
With only 24 years, 17 years younger than the model and singer, Charlie Centa (English model) began his relationship with Bimba 4 years ago, being a great support for her. Also the young model had to see his mother march after the fight against the cancer. A loving life partner and in the workplace, Charlie traveled with her Spanish geography to work as dj’s, which sometimes became a trio along with the collaboration of David Delfín.
The team of Luxury and Vintage Madrid gives the most sincere condolences to the relatives and dear friends of Bimba. Much encouragement for these hard times.
Today is Kate Moss birthday
Coinciding with this Blue Monday (or the saddest Monday of the year), today is Kate Moss´ birthday. It´s been 43 years since Kate arrived to this world, but was on the age of 14 when Sarah Daukas (the founder of the agency model Storm) found her at the airport of John F. Kennedy on the year 1988.
The most important year for her was 1992. After being discovered, Calvin Klein wanted Kate Moss in his catwalk to promote the first line of perfumes of the brand. Since then, she has worked with some of the best brands in the world of fashion: Gucci, Dolce&Gabbana, Versace, Chanel, Missoni, Dior, Burberry and much more.
In 2012, she placed second on the Forbes list of the most sought supermodels after having invoiced $ 9.2 million from May 2011 to May 2012 for clients such as Longchamp, Mango, Rimmel, Vogue Eyewear and TopShop.
After several drug scandals, Moss remains one of the most influential supermodels in the world of fashion ( In 2007, TIME magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world), after Kate was considered in the 1990s as the anti-supermodel.
After her relationship during 1994 to 1998 with the famous actor Johnny Deep, the supermodel married Jamie Hince, guitarist for The Kills, from which she separated in the summer of 2015. Later, she began dating Nikolai von Bismarck, a young 29-year-old photographer from German Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck.
Happy birthday Kate!
Why this jacket costs 4,000 euros?
At first glance it may seem a simple jacket. This denim jacket lined inside with sheep and embroidered with flowers, butterflies and birds, is for sale on the official website of Gucci by 3,980 euros to be exact.
And it is that all the celebrities want to have it. In fact, some of the best known faces of the moment already have it: Rihanna, Jared Leto, French Montana, the blogger Susie Bubble or rappers 2 Chainz. Even Beyoncé posted on her Instagram account a similar signature model, posing with her daughter Blue Ivy.
But … Why so expensive? Because it is inspired by its own creative director of the brand, Alessandro Michele, who during a trip to Los Angeles sewed by hand. The garment has the most recognizable symbols of the collection, like the bird, bee or butterfly. At the back we find a tiger with “L’Aveugle Par Amour” which means “blind love”. Additionally, each jacket end stop approximately 4 hours, because as we mentioned above, is done by hand.
The singer Florence Welch is the image of watches and jewelry signature and Jared Leto, friend of the designer, is considered a muse of inspiration for the brand.
What will surprise us for the next season? And what more celebrities will wear this jacket suitable only privileged pockets?
Kendall Jenner will be the cover of September issue in VOGUE
The girl ‘s 63.3 million followers on Instagram has managed to be the cover of VOGUE for September issue this year. Who was going to tell us ?