Tag: avellaneda

Juan Palomo and Avellaneda bet on unisex clothes

It´s the clothes we wear my friends and I, we like, with which we grew up. I design fashion for men, that´s it.

-Alejandro Gómez Palomo

Spanish fashion is turning adapted to new generations, trying to break taboos that haunt us for centuries.Alejandro Gomez Palomo (Palomo Spain)  a young Spanish designer who studied at the London Collegue of Fashion, is doing it.
With its second collection Orlando, left our mouths open to all lovers of embroidery and crystals.He does´t put put gender to his clothes, but it is true that all the designs work perfectly with the shoulders of men, but increasingly he receives more orders for women.
“Reinventing masculinity, but from nature: to dress as they wish”-said.
You could see more about his work here or at his website
We must also make special mention of the work of Juan Avellaneda, which has made its brand one of the leading male aesthetic.
His tuxedo and suits are loved by celebrities like Ronnie Wood (Rolling Stones guitarist), Jaime de Marichalar and actor Diego Martin. But women love too: it´s the case of the model Nieves Alvarez, who asked the designer for a tailored suit. It was called Galaxy Tuxedo and caused a stir on social networks. Yves Saint Laurent was commissioned to demonstrate the versatility of the male tuxedo was such that he could fit the silhouette of women. And she confirmed it.
You could see more about his work here or at his website